Veeva OpenData Email

Expand Your Reach with
Verified HCP Email Addresses

Improve HCP engagement with accurate email addresses that the entire commercial organization can use.

Learn how Alnylam Reached a Broader HCP Audience

Unlimited HCP Email Data for All Teams

Maximize your data investment with unrestricted use of Veeva OpenData Email across sales, marketing, and more. OpenData Email can be used in any platform across business units, helping simplify data management and increase cost savings.


Connect with more providers

Expand your reach by engaging with low-see and no-see physicians through email.

Improve email performance

Send personalized and compliant emails directly from Vault CRM Approved Email with deliverability rates of nearly 95%.

Reduce cost and complexity

Minimize integrations and maximize resources with email data that all teams can leverage.


Comprehensive coverage

Enrich your customer reference data with email addresses that field and marketing teams can use.

  • Access 1.5+ million prescriber email addresses from trusted industry sources
  • See all prescriber types and specialities
  • Maintain compliance by adhering to CAN-SPAM rules
Comprehensive coverage

Exceptional deliverability

Have confidence that emails are being delivered with rigorous quality standards.

  • Reach the inbox with deliverability rates of nearly 95%
  • Rely on Veeva data stewards to continuously monitor and cleanse data every 30 days
  • See data change requests processed within 24 hours
Exceptional deliverability

Unrestricted use

Equip your entire company with OpenData Email and access it from your preferred platform.

  • No limits or restrictions on email data use
  • Buy once and leverage across sales, marketing, and medical communications
  • Simple, predictable predictable pricing with no surprises
Unrestricted use

Fully integrated with Vault CRM

Reduce complexity with connected data and software that works seamlessly together.

  • Provide instant access to current, accurate emails within Vault CRM
  • Send personalized, compliant emails directly from Vault CRM Approved Email
  • Keep reps productive with all the info they need in one record
Fully integrated with Vault CRM

Resources for OpenData Email Data

A Single Source of Customer Data to Optimize Engagement
White Paper A Single Source of Customer Data to Optimize Engagement
Bayer: Customer Data Strategies for Digital Transformation
Video Bayer: Customer Data Strategies for Digital Transformation
Veeva OpenData Email Product Brief
Product Brief Veeva OpenData Email Product Brief
More Compliant Emails, Higher Open Rates
Demo More Compliant Emails, Higher Open Rates