Global Leader in Animal Health Improves Commercial Execution
Process roadmaps developed and delivered
Markets onboarded in universal KPI set
Customer segmentation rate, up from 4%
Timely interaction submission rate, up from 40%
A global leader in animal health wanted to gain a clearer picture of the relationship between its customers and its field reps, as well as customer engagement. As a long-time Veeva partner, the company turned to Veeva Business Consulting to better understand global adoption of segmentation, targeting, closed-loop marketing (CLM), and approved email solutions.
Identifying data gaps
The company uses Veeva CRM for veterinarian and producer engagement data. But it needed to see the full scope of its data, from end to end, to understand any gaps and how it could use the information it had to drive better decision making.
The global head of analytics wanted to better measure and understand customer engagement. What does the relationship look like between customers and field reps? Where and how are they meeting customers? How much time is the company getting with those customers?
Connecting process to data
In the early stages of this project, the company was focused on optimizing the use of segmentation, targeting, CLM, and approved email. It wanted to understand the rates of segmentation and effective channels, especially those that were low, but that information was not available in every market.
The company discovered there were critical components of engagement data that it didn’t know how to access. A key achievement was connecting the process to where the data was centralized and easily accessible.
Veeva Business Consulting confirmed the data gaps and set out to close them. Using Veeva Nitro, Veeva’s data science and analytics platform, the team delivered four process roadmaps, which helped identify markets that didn’t have all the inputs needed to properly complete segmentation and targeting processes.
As part of the engagement, the Veeva team also onboarded 19 markets in a universal KPI set. Having this understanding will help the company’s commercial activities remain grounded.
Expanding segmentation, timely reporting
With deeper visibility and clarity around its engagement data, the company has raised its customer segmentation rate to 15% from 4%. The company has also been able to lift the percentage of interactions being submitted on the day that they occur to 50% from 40%. The team now has an enterprise data project underway to gather additional data on sales opportunities.
The work has enabled the company to have conversations about the way it conducts its processes, properly evaluate customers, and set targets that can help it to understand whether it is optimizing the use of its field force.
The next step will be to analyze data by business segment, which will allow the company to understand results with more granularity. For example, what is the call rate in its pet business versus its swine business? As the company looks to the future, this data will help uncover key insights to improve its field force planning and go-to-market activities.
Learn how you can gain actionable insights for agile decisions with Veeva Nitro.